Signs You Need a Circuit Breaker Replaced

Miami Mister Sparky Electrician Techs Mike and Alex in front of a red service vehicleA properly functioning circuit breaker protects your electrical system from overloads and surges. It can even save lives. While most last for decades with proper maintenance, sometimes they must be replaced. If your circuit breaker isn’t working properly or you’ve purchased an older home, you may have a dangerous situation on your hands sooner rather than later. Here are eight signs that you may need to replace your circuit breaker.

Top Signs You Need Your Circuit Breaker Replaced

1. Your Breaker Keeps Tripping

One of the first things most people notice if their circuit breaker needs to be replaced is that it keeps tripping. If you cannot run your blender and vacuum cleaner simultaneously without causing it to trip, there may be a problem. Many people habitually switch their circuit breaker on and off as a quick fix, but this is a temporary solution to a potentially serious issue.

2. The System Runs on Electrical Fuses

In the past, people used fuses more often than circuit breakers because they were cheaper to produce and simpler in design. However, fuses are outdated and aren’t nearly as safe as modern options. In addition, your insurance company may penalize you if your system isn’t current. If your system runs on fuses, it’s best to upgrade to a new panel equipped with a circuit breaker.

3. The Panel Is Outdated or Old

If you have never checked your circuit breaker to see how old it is, you probably should, especially if you live in an older home. You should get a replacement for your electrical panel every 25 to 30 years to ensure it is in safe working order. If your home underwent any major upgrades to the electrical system but still features an original circuit breaker panel, it probably needs replacing.

4. The Amp Wiring Is Incorrect

Most older homes are set up for 60 amp wiring. While this amount may have been adequate when they were built, you now need 200 amps to power most modern appliances safely. You can find a number at the top of your circuit breaker panel indicating the number of amps that go through your wiring. If the number says 60 and you are noticing issues with your circuit breaker, you should replace it.

5. There Is Rust in Your Circuit Breaker Panel

A rusty circuit breaker panel is a clear indicator that you need to replace it immediately. Rust can lead to electrical issues and interfere with electrical conductivity, leading to increased resistance, electrical failure, and many other issues. Rust is also a sign of an older panel, a water leak, or high humidity around the masonry near the panel.

6. Burning Odors Are Coming From Your Panel

Burning smells near your circuit breaker indicate serious issues, including potential fire hazards around your home you may not be aware of. The most common reasons behind this smell include overheating, melted wires, loose wiring, or short circuits.

7. The Panel Feels Warm

A circuit breaker that gets slightly warm while under load is normal, but it may be time for a replacement if it’s getting hotter than usual. Your circuits may be seriously overloaded, especially if you connect too many appliances to one circuit. Additionally, connections in your panel can become loose over time, leading to poor contact and heat building up.

8. It’s Making a Buzzing Sound

If you notice a buzzing noise coming from your circuit breaker, a loose or improperly grounded wire may be to blame. These situations are dangerous fire hazards, especially if you notice sparks when you open the service panel. An electrician can find and repair the wire or, if necessary, replace the entire panel.

When Should I Call an Electrician?

Most people do not feel comfortable replacing their circuit breakers on their own since it can be extremely dangerous without the proper knowledge. There are many situations where it’s best to call in the professionals, including if:

  • Your circuit breaker is more than 25 years old.
  • Your property features a complex electrical system.
  • You would like to upgrade to a higher-capacity panel.

In addition, some home insurance companies require that certified professionals handle electrical issues on the insured property. You should call an electrician to avoid nullifying your insurance contract in these cases.

If you are unsure whether it’s time to replace your circuit breaker, call Mister Sparky. Our certified electricians are happy to inspect your panel and provide further guidance on whether it needs replacing. We proudly provide expert solutions for your electrical needs and deliver fast, reliable service you can count on. Whether you need specialized support for larger electrical projects, residential inspections, or maintenance services, Mister Sparky has you covered.