To maintain electrical safety, you must have a way to control the circuits that relay power to rooms throughout your household. Most modern homes achieve this goal with circuit breakers housed in a circuit breaker panel. However, your home may also rely on fuses mounted in a fuse box. Sooner or later, you may need to replace either of these vital electrical components.
Is it time for a residential breaker or fuse replacement in Miami, FL? Turn to the trusted professionals at Service Minds Mister Sparky. Our experienced electricians can troubleshoot any electrical issue that might call for new fuses or breakers. We can also install your replacement components at a time that’s convenient for you.
Does Your Household Have Breakers or Fuses?
If your home is properly wired, you will have a circuit breaker panel or a fuse box installed somewhere on your property. Circuit breaker panels are standard in homes built after 1960. If a circuit malfunctions anywhere in your electrical system, it may trip its associated breaker and shut it down. Usually, this action doesn’t damage the breaker. Once the source of the malfunction is addressed, you can turn it back to its on position. However, for various reasons, the breaker itself may also stop working as expected.
Homes in Miami built before 1960 may have a fuse box instead of a circuit breaker panel. The individual fuses in a fuse box don’t have on and off positions. They remain active unless a problem in their associated circuit causes them to melt or break. To restore electrical function, you must always replace blown fuses after the source of the problem is corrected.
Signs That You Need a Breaker or Fuse Replacement
Circuit breakers are sturdy electrical components. Typically, they last for decades without any need to replace them. However, a breaker in your electrical panel may malfunction well before its normal operating life ends. You may also have old breakers that no longer provide reliable function. Common signs that you need to replace an old or malfunctioning breaker include:
- Frequent tripping from its normal on position
- Failure to stay on after you reset it
- Obvious signs of breaker damage
- An unexplained need for frequent light bulb changes
- A burning smell in your electrical panel
There are also telltale signs that you need to replace a fuse. Indicators of a blown fuse include a switch, outlet, or light that suddenly stops functioning. Even if a fuse still works, you may notice a burning smell, burn marks, or other signs of discoloration around it. In addition, fuses may be too old to function reliably. What’s more, you may have the wrong kind of fuse installed for safe electrical function.
Notice any of these issues in your home? Service Minds Mister Sparky is your source for breaker and fuse replacement in Miami, FL. We’ll accurately identify the problem affecting your electrical system. We’ll also let you know if a replacement of one of these components is the right solution.
Your Fuse and Breaker Options
At Service Minds Mister Sparky, we’re not just Miami’s on-time electrician. We feature a full range of options for breaker and fuse replacement. Those options include:
- A one-to-one replacement of your current breaker or fuse
- Upgrades to a more appropriate breaker or fuse
- Installation of a GFCI or AFCI circuit breaker that provides more functions than a standard breaker
In all cases, we install the component that fits your home’s current and future needs.
Meet Your Breaker and Fuse Needs at Service Minds Mister Sparky
Have an aging or malfunctioning breaker or fuse in your home? Don’t put up with any malarky! For all breaker and fuse replacements in Miami, FL, turn to the dependable pros at Service Minds Mister Sparky. No matter your situation, our prompt, accurate services will help get your household power flowing once again. Just call us today or contact us online.